Micrometals Toroidal Core Caps
Toroidal Caps

Typical Applications: The toroidal core caps can be used as an alternate to the standard insulating coating when winding cores with very heavy gauge wire or when a greater dielectric strength is required. Core caps will fit either coated or uncoated cores. To specify a core that is uncoated add the suffix “/18” to standard part numbers. (Example: T400-26 is a standard part which includes coating, T400-26/18 specifies a standard part without coating.)
MICROMETALS Part No. | OD in/mm |
ID in/mm |
Ht in/mm |
Thickness in/mm |
TC400 | 4.030/102.4 | 2.235/56.8 | .250/6.35 | .030/.762 |
TC520 | 5.250/133.4 | 3.062/77.8 | .250/6.35 | .030/.762 |