Toroidal Winding Machine(Jovil)
SMC Coil Program Software
SMC Coil Winding Software
- Use Jovil/Universal’s SMC Software and wind up saving time and money.
- Improve accuracy.
- Reduce set up times by 75%.
- Reduce copper wire waste.
Our SMC Windows®-based software is the only software that enables you to program, pre-calculate and download all winding parameters, including length of wire required and winding pitch, directly to Jovil/Universal’s toroidal winding equipment over your network from a notebook or desktop PC.

Enter the following details in the software -
- Core Size
- Wire Size
- Number of Turns
- Winding Section in Degrees
There’s only one screen, which facilitates easy input and output.
This SMC Software is compatible with all our SMC machines – SMC-1E, SMC-1, SMC-2, SMC-3, SMC-4, 4.5LSMC.